

    本文首先详细阐述了网络营销的一些基础理论、网络营销的产生以及特点,并明确提出了本文的研究意义和目的。其次结合近年来中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)发布的《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》以及其他的相关统计数据、理论知识对我国中小企业网络营销现状与问题进行了分析。最后文章根据对以RIO 为例的中小企业网络营销现状,运用SWOT分析方法对其开展网络营销的“优势、劣势、机会、威胁”进行研究。同时,结合网络营销基础理论,针对企业的自身特点,分析了RIO网络营销的策略。


    毕业论文关键字: 互联网+;中小企业;网络营销;策略 

    The E-Marketing Strategy for Chinese SMES under the Internet + —Take RIO for Example

    Abstract: Driven by Internet technology and group creation, traditional value Chain-oriented business model has gradually become a platform for business models is the biggest highlight of the Internet +. On the basis of the Internet, the cyber -economy has developed rapidly. Network marketing has gradually become popular, brings opportunities and challenges to Chinese SMES.

    At first, this paper elaborates the basic theory of the network marketing、the research status of network marketing and its features, and puts forward the research significance and purpose of this paper. Next, according to the “China Internet Development Statistics Report”, issued by CNNIC in recent years, together with other relevant statistical data, it studies the current situation and problem of China’s SMES.

    Finally, according to the analysis of RIO features in E-Marketing, the paper use the SWOT analysis method to analyze the strengths、weaknesses、opportunity and threat. Combining theory of E-Marketing strategy and aiming at the characteristics of enterprise, analyse the E-Marketing strategy of RIO.

    This paper use survey method、observation method、empirical analysis、quantitative research method and experiential summary method to research the E- Marketing strategy for Chinese SMES under the Internet +. Summarize theories and methods to analyse the current situation of China’s SMES. Through this case, we can find more suitable marketing model for Chinese SMES.

    Keywords: Internet +;SMEs;network marketing;strategy

    目  录

    绪论 1

    一、营销理论基础 2

    (一) 网络整合营销理论 2

    (二) 网络关系营销理论 2

    (三) 网络软营销理论 2

    二、我国中小企业网络营销现状与问题分析 3

    (一) 我国中小企业的发展概况 3

    (二) 我国中小企业网络营销的现状 4

    (三) 我国中小企业网络营销存在的问题 5

    1、 缺乏网络营销战略 5

    2、 品牌竞争力不强

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