

    毕业论文关键词:高淳  游客结构  游客感知

    Abstract:With the structure of tourists and their perceived status, we can analyze the characteristics of the product of tourist destination and its situation of development. In this paper, questionnaire is used to analyse the structure of tourists visiting Gaochun and their perceived status .Studies have shown that: the main part of tourists to Gaochun is areas surrounding it, mainly in Jiangsu, Anhui. As far as the level of tourists’education is concerned, the undergraduate is absolutely predominant. Tourist tend to be younger. Most visitors to Gaochun are middle-income people and they go there for Basic level of tourism .The tourist area characterize the humanities and food. In the process visitors perceive, they also experience the ancient originally ecological dwellings in Gaochun Streets, but there are few folk feelings. This paper mainly aims to analyze the characteristics. of the development of tourism in Gaochun with results of the questionnaire.

    Keywords:Gaochun,  Tourists structure ,  Tourists perception

    目   录

    1 区域背景 1

    2调查方法 2

    3 游客结构特征 2

    3.1 客源地特征 2

    3.2 年龄结构 4

    3.3 职业结构 5

    3.4收入水平结构 5

    3.5游客的文化差异 5

    3.6 居住环境构成 6

    4 游客行为特征分析 6

    4.1  旅游活动的行为层次 6

    4.2  出游方式及滞留时间 6

    4.2.1 出游方式 7

    4.2.2 滞留时间 7

    4.3旅游喜好与活动项目选择意向 7

    4.4重游率 7

    5 游客感知状况分析 7

    5.1游客对旅游资源感知 8

    5.2 对旅游服务质量的评价 8

    6 小结 9

    参考文献 10

    致谢 11

    附录A:问卷调查表 12


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