
    摘要: 改革开放以来,随着经济增长,泰州市耕地资源不断流失。本文基于2002-2012年的数据,运用相对变化率法和主成份分析法,探讨泰州市耕地面积随时间变化而产生的变化,分析该地区耕地数量时空变化及其驱动力,以期为泰州市耕地保护和现代化建设协调发展提供依据。研究表明,泰州市的耕地总量整体上呈现减少的趋势,在10年间下降了32867公顷的耕地面积;姜堰市耕地资源减少最多,市辖区耕地资源减少最少;而经济发展、人口增长、科技进步是影响泰州市耕地数量变化的主要影响因素,据此提出严格执行耕地保护制度、控制人口、加快农村建设等建议。53286

    毕业论文关键词: 耕地;时空变化;驱动力;泰州市

    Abstract: since the reform and opening up, along with economic growth, TaiZhou gradual loss of cultivated land resource. In this paper, based on data from 2002 to 2012, using the relative change rate method and principal component analysis method, analysis of the area of cultivated land quantity change and its driving force of time and space, so as to TaiZhou provides the basis for the coordinated development of the modernization and the protection of farmland. Studies have shown that TaiZhou whole presents the tendency of decrease, the total arable land in 10 years dropped by about 32867 hectares of arable land; And four city of TaiZhou, the area of cultivated land area in different degree in their respective also reduce; And economic development, population growth, technological progress is the main influence factors affect the TaiZhou cultivated land quantity change, on the basis of strict arable land protection system and the control, speed the construction of rural population.

    Key words: cultivated land; the change of time and space, driving force; TaiZhou

    目   录

    1  引言 4

    2  泰州市耕地数量时空变化分析 4

    2.1  泰州市概况 4

    2.2  泰州市耕地数量变化的时序特征 4

    2.3  泰州市耕地数量变化的空间特征 5

    3  泰州市耕地数量变化的驱动力分析 6

    3.1  主成份分析法 6

    3.2 泰州市耕地数量变化的驱动因素 8

    4  政策建议 9

    4.1  严格执行耕地保护制度 9

    4.2  控制人口增长 10

    4.3 加快农村建设 10

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    1  引言


    2  泰州市耕地数量时空变化分析

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