


    Abstract: Tourism as a sunrise industry in the 21st century, and its development is directly related to social development. And a key factor is the attitude of the local tourism development Tourism residents. Yangzhou "fireworks in March," International Trade and Tourism Festival as an object, from the perspective of the residents, through questionnaires and data analysis, analysis of the impact on residents' perception of tourism. The results showed that: the perception of economic, cultural and environmental aspects of this more positive perception of their own interests and are closely related indicators showed a negative attitude; while age, education level, income, occupation of these aspects is the impact on residents Tourism main factors perceived differences. On this basis, from the establishment of feedback mechanisms affecting the livelihood of the people's attention, noting differences in terms of understanding the residents to put forward their views so that the negative perception is gradually turning positive, positive view, in order to promote the vigorous development of tourism.

    Keywords: Yangzhou Tourism Festival, residents perception, tourism effects


    1 前言 3

    2 相关研究综述 3

    3 问卷设计与调查 3

    3.1 问卷设计 3

    3.2 问卷调查 4

    4 数据统计与分析 4

    4.1 居民背景情况 4

    4.2 居民经济效应感知 5

    4.3 居民社会文化效应感知 5

    4.4 居民环境效应感知 6

    4.5 居民总体感知 7

    5 居民感知差异分析 8

    6 感知差异原因分析 8

    6.1 年龄方面的原因分析 8

    6.2 学历的原因分析 8

    6.3 收入水平和职业原因分析 9

    7 结论与建议 9

    7.1 结论 9

    7.2 建议 9

    结语 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    附录 14

     1 前言


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