
    摘  要:党的十六届六中全会上,中央提出构建社会主义和谐社会的重大战略。构建和谐社会,和谐农村是重中之重,在和谐农村的重点又是发展相对落后的苏北地区。当前,苏北地区和谐农村建设中存在诸多问题,如农业生产技术停滞,留守儿童问题,农民养老困难,政治参与程度低以及农村民主政治缺乏等等。因此苏北地区建设和谐社会,就必须发展现代化农业技术,培育新型农民,同时关爱留守儿童,完善农村养老体系。最后,最重要的一点就是加强农村民主政治建设,全面落实村民自治制度,真正让农民当家作主。我相信苏北地区和谐农村前途一片光明,社会主义和谐农村建设指日可待,我国社会主义和谐社会伟大蓝图终将绘成。55567


    Study of harmonious rural northern Jiangsu area

    Abstract: The party's sixteen plenary session of six, The central put forward the important strategy of building a socialist harmonious society. To build a harmonious society, harmonious rural priority among priorities, focusing on the harmonious countryside is relatively backward development of Northern Jiangsu area. At present, there exist many problems in the construction of a harmonious rural area in Northern Jiangsu area, such as the stagnation of agricultural production technology, the problem of left-behind children, farmers pension difficulties, the degree of political participation is low and the lack of rural democratic politics. Therefore, North Jiangsu area of building a harmonious society, we must develop modern agricultural technology, the cultivation of new farmers, and care for the left-behind children, improve the system of rural endowment insurance. Finally, the most important point is to strengthen the construction of rural democratic politics, the full implementation of the villagers autonomous system, really let a farmer be in power. I believe that the future of harmonious rural northern Jiangsu bright point the day and await for it, building the socialist harmonious countryside, the great blueprint of our socialist harmonious society will draw.

    Keywords: Northern Jiangsu area;The Harmonious Countryside;Problems; measures


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