
    摘 要:在我国国民经济持续发展、居民生活质量的显著提高和家庭支配资产的增多,居民的家庭理财意识不断地增强,家庭理财理念也不断地深化的背景下。本文主要以中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司为例,概括的介绍了家庭理财保险的特点和种类,及对现在家庭理财保险的现状进行了简单概述,分析了理财保险产品的结构不合理,投连险保费呈下降趋势,理财保险功能存在缺陷,市场缺少有效监管,对理财保险认识存在误区的问题,提出了完善理财保险产品的结构,提高投连险保费收入,完善理财保险功能,加强市场有效监管,正确认识理财保险的对策建议。55957


    Abstract: The increase in the continuing development of our national economy, the quality of life of residents and a significant increase in family disposable assets, residents of the family financial management consciousness enhancement, family financial management concepts are continuously deepening background. This paper mainly China Ping An insurance (Group) Limited by Share Ltd as an example, introduces the characteristics and types of family financial insurance, and the present situation of family financial insurance for a simple overview, analysis of the structure of financial insurance product is not reasonable, even the insurance premium a downward trend, financial insurance function defects, the lack of market effective supervision of financial insurance, misunderstanding of the problem, put forward to improve the structure of insurance products, improve the investment linked insurance premium income, improving the financial insurance function, strengthen market supervision, to understand the financial insurance countermeasures.

    Keywords: financial insurance, status, problems, countermeasures

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    2  家庭理财保险概述 3

    2.1  家庭理财保险的特点 3

    2.2  家庭理财保险的种类 4

    2.3  家庭理财保险现状 4

    3  家庭理财保险的问题 6

    3.1  家庭理财保险产品结构的不合理 6

    3.2  投连险保费收入呈下降趋势 6

    3.3  家庭理财保险功能存在缺陷 7

    3.4  家庭理财保险市场缺少有效监管 7

    3.5  居民对家庭理财保险产品存在误区 7

    4  家庭理财保险的对策 8

    4.1  合理完善家庭理财保险产品的结构 8

    4.2  提高投连险的投资收益率 8

    4.3  完善家庭理财保险的功能 8

    4.4  加强家庭理财保险市场的监管 9

    4.5  正确地指引居民家庭理财保险认识 9

    结 论 10

    参考文献 11

    致 谢 12

    1  引言


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