


    Abstract:In today's society,scenic facilities are means of production that scenic spot can provide tourism services and carry on their business operations. At the same time,it is also an important material basis which scenic spot can provide tourism products and services.Moreover,it is the key area of customer satisfaction survey.According to the usage,scenic facilities can be pided into three parts including infrastructures, service facilities,entertainment and recreation facilities.The paper is based on the environmental characteristics, economic characteristics, social characteristics and characteristics of human nature.Taking Taohuawu,Huaian city scenic facilities as an example,the paper uses the factor analysis.And then,the paper will make an analysis with evaluation ,find out the problem and put forward a plan for improvement.Now,we can offer a basis for next planning and manage developments.Next,we will improve the customer satisfaction,At last but not least,Huaian City Tourism will be able to have a more broad stage in the future.

    Keywords:scenic area facilities,customer satisfaction,the factor analysis

    目   录

    1  绪论 3

    2  顾客满意度简述 3

    2.1顾客满意度的基本概念 3

    2.2顾客满意度的测量 4

    3  调研过程 4

    3.1  问卷设计 4

    3.2  数据收集 5

    4  结果分析 6

    4.1  游客基本信息分析 6

    4.2  淮安市桃花坞景区设施顾客满意度分析 8

    4.2.1  描述性分析 8

    4.2.2  因子分析 9

    5  解决措施 12

    5.1  完善电力通讯设施 12

    5.2  提高散于景区的娱乐游憩设施的创新性 13

    5.3  提高道路交通设施的性能 13

    结  论 14

    参考文献 15

    致  谢 16

    附录 17

    1  绪论


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