




    Project general contracting is a set design, procurement, construction as one of the contracting model, this model in the construction project management can greatly reduce the intermediate links, to optimize the allocation of resources for the construction of the project; to ensure full cycle optimization scheme; conducive to the control of engineering cost; improve the ability of performance, and to ensure the quality and time limit for a project. The owner and contractor in the contract process, can effectively avoid unnecessary disputes. Since China entered the WTO, engineering general contracting have been used in our country, but the development time is not very long, so there are some unfavorable factors. So the general contracting mode application in China is still in need of further study.

    In this paper, the development of general contract of civil engineering are introduced, analyzed advantages and disadvantages of the factors on the implementation of general contract project, research in general contracting mode of construction enterprises in China's development prospects, analysis of engineering general contract mode, this paper describes the composition of project general contracting each part of the functions and contents of. This paper will analysis the project general contracting mode in the related problems in China, thus obtains its is how to improve the need of developing. Based on the summary of advantages and disadvantages of general project contracting, general contracting and the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of risk management, the implementation of the project general contracting mode to provide reference for engineering general contracting enterprises.

    Keywords: general contracting,general contracting enterprises,trend in development

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 课题的背景和意义 1

    1.2 我国推行工程总承包模式的现状 2

    1.3 国内外工程总承包之间的差距 3

    1.4 本文研究的主要内容及方法 5

    第二章  建设工程项目总承包的相关知识及研究 6

    2.1 工程总承包的概念及发展 6

    2.2 工程总承包的方式 6

    2.3 工程总承包的优缺点 7

         2.3.1 工程总承包的优点

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