
    摘  要:随着市场经济的发展,古镇旅游业开始兴起,基础设施也不断完善。古镇旅游业的发展不仅提高了当地资源的高效利用,也满足了消费者的新需求,进而成为了当地的朝阳产业。然而,由于缺乏科学的统筹规划,我国古镇旅游业的发展面临着诸多的问题。因此,加强对我国古镇旅游业的研究具有重要的现实意义。本文主要针对无锡荡口古镇旅游业的发展现状和存在问题进行分析,进而提出有针对性的营销策略,如完善景点硬件设施、增加娱乐休闲项目、提高服务质量、宣传手段多样化等,希望能够为荡口古镇旅游业的发展提供一定的帮助。57422

     毕业论文关键词: 无锡荡口古镇,旅游业,营销策略

    Abstract:With the development of market economy, the ancient town tourism is beginning to catch up, which brings the continuous improvement of infrastructure. The development of ancient town tourism not only makes high efficient use of local resources, but also meets the consumer’s new demands, which makes it become the sunrise industry of local . However, due to the lack of scientific overall planning and effective marketing strategy, the development of ancient town toursim of China are facing many problems. Therefore, strengthening the research of ancient town toursim of China has an important realistic significance. This paper mainly anlyzes the development situation and the problems of Wuxi Dangkou ancient town tourism, and then put forward some targeted marketing strategies, for example, improving the attraction's hardware facilities, increasing the projects of leisure and entertainment, tracking the quality of services, perifing the propaganda techniques and so forth. I hope that it can bring up some help of its development.

    Keywords Wuxi Dangkou ancient town,Tourism,maketing strategy

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    2  服务营销理论概述 3

    3  无锡荡口古镇的现状分析 3

    4  荡口古镇营销中存在的问题 4

    4.1  景点硬件设备不完善 5

    4.2  娱乐休闲项目较少 7

    4.3  景区服务水平较低 6

    4.4  宣传手段单一 6

    5  荡口古镇的营销策略改进 8

    5.1  完善景区硬件设施 8

    5.2  增加娱乐休闲项目 9

    5.3  提高服务质量 9

    5.4  宣传手段多样化 8

    结论 10

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12

    附录 13


    1  引言


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