


    Abstract: Enterprise operation ability is the ability that the enterprise uses various resources to obtain economic benefits, it reflects the efficiency of the enterprise using economic resources,  to some degree ,the Operation ability determines the enterprise's debt paying ability and the profit ability, operation ability analysis is an important content of financial analysis. Win-win Mode of Inpidual-Goal Combination is a new management model proposed by Haier group in the globalization brand strategic stage. Since the implementation of Haier group’s Win-win Mode of Inpidual-Goal Combination, Haier group’s total assets turnover, turnover of current assets, fixed assets turnover ratio of working ability index is higher than that of other similar enterprises with the industry index. Based on the analysis about enterprise management situation of Haier group in the Win-win Mode of Inpidual-Goal Combination, this paper conducts in-depth understanding about the influence that Win-win Mode of Inpidual-Goal Combination has on enterprise's operational capabilities, mining the advantages of enterprise’s operation in Win-win Mode of Inpidual-Goal Combination.

    Keywords: Working ability, Win-win Mode of Inpidual-Goal Combination ,Business model innovation, Haier group

    目  录

    1  引言 4

    2  营运能力简介 4

    2.1  营运能力定义 4

    2.2  营运能力评价指标 4

    2.3  营运能力研究内容 5

    3  加强营运能力研究对于海尔集团的意义 6

    4  海尔集团“人单合一”模式 7

    4.1  “人单合一”模式基本理论 7

    4.2  “人单合一”双赢模式下海尔集团经营状况 8

    5  “人单合一”双赢模式对海尔集团营运能力的影响 9

    5.1  “人单合一”双赢模式提高应收账款周转率 12

    5.2  “人单合一”双赢模式提高存货周转率 12

    5.3  “人单合一”双赢模式降低成本 13

    5.4  “人单合一”模式缔造品牌效应、增强竞争力 14

    6  “人单合一”模式提高企业营运能力的启示 15

    结论 17


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