
    摘 要:随着高分辨率遥感影像的广泛应用,传统的基于单个像元地物的光谱特征提取方法已经无法满足高分辨率影像提取的要求,而面向对象信息提取技术处理的基本单元是“影像对象”不再是单个的“像素”,因此能很好的满足高分辨率影像的需求,得到分类精度更高的遥感图像。本文以淮安市的Landsat-5 TM遥感影像为数据源,基于面向对象方法进行遥感信息提取研究。通过多尺度分割将研究区域遥感影像进行分割,把一个像素的对象进行自下而上的区域合并。再利用最邻近分类方法将不同类地物进行分类处理。通过与利用ERDAS中的非监督分类方法的到的分类后图像进行比较结果表明,ERDAS提供的非监督分类方法得到的kappa系数为0.512低于面向对象方法的kappa系数0.781,面向对象方法相较于ERDAS提供的方法,所得到的图像分类精度更高。58663

    毕业论文关键词:  面向对象方法,图像分割,多尺度影像分割,最邻近分类

    Abstract:With the wide application of high resolution remote sensing images, the traditional spectral feature extraction method based on single pixel object has been unable to meet the demands of high resolution images. Object-oriented information extraction technology of processing of the basic unit is the “image object” is no longer a single “pixel”, so it can well meet the needs of high resolution image classification is more accurate. Based on the Landsat-5 TM remote sensing image of Huaian city as the data source, object oriented method research based on remote sensing information extraction. By using the multi scale segmentation to break up the remote sensing image of the study area and then merging the same pixels from the bottom to the top. Then use the adjacent classification methods of different types of classification processing. By unsupervised classification method using ERDAS sorted images to compare the results show that the unsupervised classification methods provided by ERDAS’s Kappa coefficient is 0.512 below 0.781 Kappa coefficient of object-oriented methods, compared with ERDAS provides object-oriented methods, the resulting image is more accurate.

    Keywords:object oriented method, image segmentation, multi scale image segmentation, the nearest neighbor classification

    1  前言 4

    2  研究方法和数据 4

    2.1  研究数据 4

    2.2  研究方法 4

    3  水体信息提取 5

    3.1  图像分割 5

    3.2  影像分类 9

    4  结果分析 11

    结  论 13

    参考文献 14

    致  谢 15

    1  前言


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