
    摘 要:消费者市场不断成熟,消费者也越来越理性,不再盲目崇拜铺天盖地的广告宣传,更加注重商品的质量。具有口碑效应的“地名+产品名”命名的农产品日益受到人们的青睐,如“北京烤鸭、信仰毛尖”等。本文以淮安农产品区域品牌为研究对象,通过查找文献资料,明确品牌声望和顾客满意度的概念,提出品牌声望模型,进行问卷调查,分析收集到的数据,最后根据实证分析得到的结果对本文提出的假设进行了检验。结果表明:淮安农产品品牌声望的两个维度对消费者满意度均有显著的正相关,产品声望对消费者满意度的影响最大,其次是品牌个性。另外,本研究还在问卷调查的基础上分析了淮安农产品的现状,并提出针对性建议,期望能提高消费者对淮安农产品的认可度,对推动淮安农产品经营和经济发展有较强的指导意义。59065


    Abstract: Consumer market matures, consumers also more and more rational, not blind worship of unsolicited advertising, pay more attention to the quality of the goods. Effect of word of mouth "place name + name" named after the agricultural products increasingly get the favour of people, such as "Beijing roast duck, beliefs, Xinyang Maojian tea". Taking huaian agricultural regional brand as the research object, through the literature data, a clear definition of the concept of brand reputation and customer satisfaction, brand prestige model is put forward, questionnaire investigation, and analyze the collected data, according to the empirical analysis results of this paper puts forward the assumption of the inspection. The results show that the two dimensions of Huaian agricultural products brand reputation of customer satisfaction has significant positive correlation, product reputation effect on customer satisfaction is the largest, the second is the brand personality. In addition, this study based on the questionnaire survey analysis of the status quo of Huaian agricultural products, and put forward the corresponding suggestion, expect to improve consumer recognition of Huaian agricultural products, to promote Huaian agricultural products business and economic development has a strong guiding significance.

    Key words: Agricultural products, Regional brand of agricultural products, Consumer satisfaction.

    1  引言 3

    2  理论基础 3

    2.1  区域农产品品牌声望理论研究表述 3

    2.2  顾客满意度的概念 4

    3  研究设计 4

    3.1  农产品区域品牌声望各维度分析 4

    3.2  研究理论模型的建立和基本假设的形成 5

    3.3  问卷设计 6

    4  实证研究 7

    4.1  数据分析方法 7

    4.2  样本数据分析 7

    4.3  研究假设检验 12

    5  研究结论 13

    结论 15

    参考文献 16

    致谢 17

    附录 18

    1  引言  

    当下人们绿色健康生活观念越来越强,越来越多的消费者从盲目消费转变为理性消费,更加注重商品的品牌,特别是区域性农产品,地方政府也开始逐步加深对区域农产品品牌声望的建设和宣传。中国是一个农业大国,而非农产品品牌大国。如何将区域农产品经营好,以增强我国区域农产品的国际竞争力,区域农产品品牌声望对消费者满意度的关系如何,现在还没有较多明确的相关实证研究,这些问题还需要更多的实证研究[ ]。本文以淮安农产品品牌声望发展现状为研究对象,意在证实区域农产品品牌声望对消费者满意度的影响。

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