

    毕业论文关键词  CBD地区  停车  管理  评价  


    Title  City CBD area parking management evaluation  system                                                


    Due to the advancement of urbanization and the ownership of motor vehicles continue to increase, rising parking problem is especially serious in urban CBD area. In comprehensive, perse soil, use of high density of CBD area, reasonable parking facilities setting can effectively reduce the traffic load in the region. And a reasonable parking management system can improve the utilization rate of parking facilities and then need a parking management evaluation system. Evaluation index system of a parking facilities need a lot of reasons, this article proposed the evaluation system and method of parking. This article from the parking facilities on the dynamics of the economy, the service level, the urban traffic and urban environment benefit evaluation index on the four aspects such as the influence of the analysis, evaluation using analytic hierarchy process.

    Keyword  CBD area  Parking  Management  evaluate 

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 2

    1.3  主要的目标和研究内容 4

    1.4  技术路线图 5

    2  CBD地区交通特点 6

    2.1  CBD地区的概念 6

    2.2  CBD地区交通特点 6

    2.3  CBD地区停车调查和车辆停放特性 9

    3  停车管理 13

    3.1  CBD地区静态交通管理政策和建议 13

    3.2  基于GIS的CBD地区停车诱导 15

    3.3  停车场智能管理系统综述 19

    4  CBD地区停车管理评价指标体系 21

    4.1  经济评价 22

    4.2  停车设施的服务水平评价 22

    4.3  对城市动态交通的影响 24

    4.4  环境效益指标 27

    5  CBD地区停车管理评价方法和流程 28

    5.1  层次分析法 28

    5.2  评价流程 29

    6  实例分析 31

    6.1  新街口地区停车场使用情况分析 31

    6.2  新街口调查表

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