

    毕业论文关键词: 互联网企业;微信营销;腾讯游戏

    Research on the We-chat marketing pattern of  internet enterprises ----take Tencent games as an instance 

    Abstract: As the IT technology's constantly developing, more and more internet enterprises showed up in our daily life gradually. Compared with the marketing method of traditional industries, internet enterprises nowadays are more likely to use the new-coming We-chat marketing pattern to market and spread. But those obstacles in the process of internet enterprises’ using of We-chat marketing pattern have influenced the marketing effects of these companies. Based on the exist of these problems and the urgent needs of the enterprises. The paper makes the development situation of the We-chat marketing by those internet enterprises as the study object. I take Tencent games’ We-chat marketing pattern as an instance, combine the theories of Communication and Marketing. And then make constructive suggestions for the  internet companies to use We-chat marketing to solve the problem.

    Key words:  Internet comprise;We-chat marketing ;Tencent games.


    引言 1

    一、绪论 2

    (一)研究的背景和意义 2

    1、课题的研究背景 2

    2、课题的研究意义 2

    (二)研究的目标和内容 3

    1、课题的研究目标 3

    2、课题的研究内容 3

    3、研究方法 3

    二、文献综述 4

    (一)互联网企业简介及分类 4

    (二)微信及微信营销 5

    1、微信简介 5

    2、微信营销定义 5

    3、微信营销的特点 5

    (三)课题国内外研究现状 6

    1、国内的研究现状 6

    2、国外的研究现状 7

    (四)理论支撑 7

    1、F2F理论 7

    2、整合营销理论 8

    3、传播学“5w”理论 8

    三、互联网企业微信营销的发展环境 9

    四、互联网企业使用微信营销的SWOT分析 10

    (一)优势分析(strength) 10

    (二)劣势分析(weakness) 10

    (三)机会分析(opportunity) 11

    (四)威胁分析(threat) 11


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