

    毕业论文关键词:大学生人际交往 社会学习理论 小组社会工作

    Interpersonal communication of College Students and Social worker intervention——students as examples

    Abstract: With the university campus malignant events taken places frequently in recent years, the interpersonal problems of college students has focused more attention, and the interpersonal problem has become one of the most prominent problems which bothered college students. In order to study the related factors of college students' interpersonal problems, this paper combines the questionnaire survey and interviews to survey students as the research subjects. Combined with the relevant literature and theory, summarize and analyze all kinds of interpersonal problems in the school, and try to intervene in the form of group social work. Different from the previous group social work, in this paper, we will study problem students and normal students at same time, which shows a better effect than just study problem students.Finally, I put forward some suggestions to schools in the perspective of social workers.

    Keywords:Interpersonal communication of College Students,   Social learning theory, Group social work

    绪论 1

    一、研究背景 2

    二、文献综述 2

    (一)大学生人际关系的现状 2

    (二)影响大学生人际交往关系的因素 2

    (三)小组工作对大学生人际关系问题的作用 3

    (四)本文的研究构思 3

    三、理论架构和研究方法 4

    (一)理论架构 4

    1、社会化理论[] 4

    2、社会学习理论[] 4

    (二) 研究方法 4

    1、问卷调查法 4

    2、访谈法 4

    3、小组工作法 4

    四、问卷调查情况及分析 5

    (一)调查目的 5

    (二) 调查对象 5

    (三) 调查内容 5

    (四) 问卷结果及分析 5

    1、学生对人际交往问题的重视度不够 5

    2、 学生人际交往技巧不足 6

    3、 学生的人际交往存在局限性 6

    4、 学生认为影响人际关系的因素 6

    五、 访谈情况及分析 6

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