


    毕业论文关键词: B2C网站品牌资产;品牌知名度;品牌认知度;品牌联想度;品牌忠诚度

    Research on the effect of B2C website brand equity on consumer purchase intention

    Abstract: With the driven by technological advances and the internet penetration rate of online shopping growth, B2C e-commerce market has keeping a rapid growth trend within recent years. However, with the growing competition in the online shopping market, how to build a better B2C website brand equity has become an important basis for electricity distributors to achieve differentiation from the numerous competitors.

    In this study, I set the traditional study of brand equity as my study theory base, and combining properties of B2C e-commerce sites, so as to discover forming elements of B2C website brand equity and attempt to explore the effect of consumer buying behavior.in the study, we even use statistical software for the empirical research to analyze the way of formation elements of brand equity and how can they influence the B2C website brand equity. We also explore how the B2C website brand equity impact on consumer purchasing intentions and made recommendations. Finally, we discuss the inadequacies of this study and research directions.

    Key Words: brand equity; brand awareness; perceived quality; brand association; brand loyalty

    目  录

    一、 绪论 1

    (一) 研究背景 1

    1、 中国网络购物市场的发展现状 1

    2、 B2C网站建立品牌资产的必要性 2

    (二) 研究目的 2

    (三) 研究意义 2

    1、 理论意义 2

    2、 实践意义 3

    (四) 研究框架与研究方法 3

    1、 研究框架 3

    2、 研究方法 3

    (五) 文献概述 4

    1、 B2C电子商务网站 4

    2、 品牌资产 5

    3、 网站品牌资产 7

    4、 消费者购买意向 8

    二、  调查问卷设计与分析 10

    (一) 调查问卷设计 10

    (二) 统计分析 11

    1、 样本人口统计及网购行为特征分析 11

    2、 描述性统计分析 12

    三、 B2C网站品牌资产影响因素分析 14

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