

    毕业论文关键词: 外卖;O2O;饿了么

    Analysis takeaway O2O mode in mobile Internet era - with eleme platform as an example

    Abstract:Topic of this paper is the next era of mobile Internet O2O mode takeaway – with eleme platform as an example, think of the industry as a whole by the representative examples of initiation. By using random field survey methods and entities takeaways visited the research method, the real draw reasonable data, the existing mode of thinking and improvement of defects found eleme What internal factors lead to the source of the problems, and provide a viable s solution. Our takeaway O2O industry momentum Masamori, problems have become increasingly prominent, not only need to improve the relevant laws, but also to regulate business-related behavior. This paper aims to study what eleme for the industry, the company offers other ideas to solve problems and future directions, but the entire industry towards sustainable Takeout O2O benign direction.

    Keywords: Takeout;O2O;Eleme


    第一章、绪论 1

    (一) 选题背景及其意义 1

    (二) 研究思路和方法 2

    (三) 本文创新之处 2

    第二章、研究综述 4

    (一) 国外研究现状 4

    (二) 国内研究现状 4

    第三章、餐饮行业O2O的应用现状 6

    (一) 基于团购网站的O2O 6

    (二) 基于单个企业的O2O 6

    (三) 基于电商平台的O2O 6

    第四章、基于饿了么O2O模式实证研究 8

    (一) 饿了么的基本情况 8

    (二) 饿了么现存O2O模式调研 8

    (三) 饿了么O2O模式调研结论 10

    (四) 饿了么O2O模式存在的问题 15

    (五) 饿了么存在问题的内部原因分析 16

    第五章、饿了么O2O模式优化 18

    (一) 企业文化需健全 18

    (二) 创新营销敢为先 18

    (三) 品牌建设待加强 18

    (四) 危机公关少出现 18

    (五) 关注新流量引入 19

    (六) 形成生态闭合环 19

    结语 20

    致谢 22


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