


    Abstract Abstract:In recent years, supervision enterprises in the process of continuous development and standardization, made a lot of great success, its development is also showing a good trend, but on the other hand, the supervision enterprises also kept facing challenges and risks. In view of that, this paper is talking about how the risk of engineering construction supervision enterprises were classification and based on the analysis and evaluation according to the construction and engineering supervision enterprise implementation of risk management in the process of the actual situation of related risk response strategy and control method is proposed. This article from the construction supervision enterprise perspective, risk and risk management theory, combined with the characteristics of engineering construction supervision enterprises, methods and application of risk management in engineering construction supervision enterprises conducted in-depth analysis and research of the whole process in engineering construction supervision enterprise risk management as the main line, basic theory brief introduction of risk and risk management; in view of the existing construction supervision enterprise's internal and external risk, elaborated on the concept, its risk management objectives, principles and basic process; discusses the risk recognition process and basis; introduced the inspection method, work breakdown structure, SWOT analysis methods commonly used qualitative and quantitative evaluation method, program evaluation and review technique, sensitivity analysis and analytic hierarchy process in risk, and combining quantitative and qualitative analytic hierarchy process and SWOT Analysis of the risk of a supervision enterprise in Shanghai, the risk of the supervision of enterprises to the greatest risk factors. On the basis of commonly used methods are introduced in detail to deal with the risk of, according to the different risk source of Engineering Construction Supervision Enterprises: building owners, contractors, supervision enterprise internal, social and natural environment. The corresponding risk response measures and monitoring schemes are presented in this paper. In the end, the paper discusses the development direction of the supervision enterprises should make some suggestions to improve the management of the project management in the future.

    Key Words: construction supervision enterprise; risk management; risk identification; risk assessment


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