


    The study about housing problem of outside provincial staff in Shanghai—In a port enterprises Case

    Abstract: Along with the economic development of shanghai, a large number of mainlanders have been enrolled as the core talents of main power in enterprises. However the overwhelming housing price and quota policy flinch them to survive in Shanghai. It not only leads to the brain drain, but also brings to an embarrassing and unsolvable situation where mainlanders have no place to live. The study is based on the housing issues of non-local labours around Shanghai enterprises. Discussing the main factors that influence on the employee’s housing problems which and their families, enterprises and society remain the crux of the conflicts. The aim of this research is to appeal to the government and the society to reunderstand the questions of non-native staff’s situations and housing problems in shanghai. This study with a particular social value which making a better relationship between employees and Shanghai enterprise, reducing dispute by housing problems, establishing a harmonious working relationship and creating a better society.

    Keywords: Housing , Outside the provincial staff,enterprise


    一、前言 1

    (一) 问题的提出 1

    (二)国内外研究状况 1

    1.国外研究现状 1

    2.国内研究现状 2

    (三)研究目的和意义 3

    1.研究目的 3

    2.研究意义 3

    (四)研究方法和对象 3

    1.研究思路 3

    2.研究方法 4

    3.研究对象 4

    二、上海企业外省籍员工分类及住房类型 4

    (一)上海企业外省籍员工的分类 4

    (二)上海企业外省籍员工住房类型 4

    三、上海企业外省籍员工城市住房问题存在的原因及影响 5

    (一)上海企业外省籍员工城市住房问题产生的原因 5

    (二)上海企业外省籍员工城市住房问题带来的影响 6

    四、上海临港某企业外省籍员工住房分析 6

    (一)上海临港某企业外省籍员工调查数据 6


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