


    The research on community service for elderly health

    Abstract: this paper take the PengPu town community for example, to discuss the elderly health problems of community service for the old. Through field investigation and data analysis, found that the old age chronic diseases is an important issue in service for the old. At present, along with the advancement of urbanization and aging degree of intensified and fertility policy adjustment, the problem of insufficient medical resources will increasingly highlight, so you need to the community to provide services for the elderly, the elderly health programs, social support and so on ways to improve the elderly health problems, to cope with the advent of the era of aging in Shanghai.

    Key words: aging, the elderly health, community health service center


    第一章绪论 4

    (一)研究背景 4

    (二)研究内容 4

    (三)研究意义 4

    第二章理论框架及相关概念解析 5

    (一)理论基础 5

    (1)平衡理论 5

    (2)社会支持网络理论 5

    (二)文献综述 6

    (1)国外文献综述 6

    (2)国内文献综述 7

    (三)具体研究方法 8

    (1)收集资料的方法 8

    (2)分析资料的方法 8

    第三章彭浦镇社区老年健康问题 8

    (一)彭浦镇慢性病问题 8

    (1)彭浦镇老年患病情况 8

    (2)彭浦镇慢性病服务项目 9

    (3)社区慢性病服务的意义 10

    (二)彭浦镇为老服务中的健康跟踪 11

    (1)彭浦镇老年健康档案 11

    (2)彭浦镇建档过程 11

    (3)建立健康档案的意义 12

    (三)彭浦镇为老服务中的大肠癌筛查项目 12

    (1)彭浦镇社区老年大肠癌筛查项目 12

    (2)彭浦镇社区老年大肠癌筛查进程 12

    (3)老年大肠癌筛查的意义 13

    第四章总结与反思 13

    (一)总结 13

    (二)反思 14

    致谢 16

    参考文献 17 



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