



    Title  Commercial and residential district of the suburbs on Beijing - Shun yi Wulicang warehouse district 


    Currently, to improve people's living standards, China is vigorously building infrastructure, so as to commercial and residential district of the rapid development of the foundation.Beijing as China's capital city, more rapid development. Beijing urban development for all to see, but the suburban residential area management system, but can not seem to catch up with the technology trend of footsteps.With the advance of real estate development and commercialization of residential, Residential and commercial residential property management have emerged, Emerging industries in the real estate industry, This management exist many problems in the development, Property Management legal system lags behind, the system is not perfect , low quality of employees will also be an important factor to affect the healthy development, Should arouse the whole society attaches great importance to. In particular , more commercial and residential district restricting development of property management. How to regulate the development of commercial and residential district property management , and better meet the needs of the masses to the growing demand for property management , is the urgent need to address the problem.

    In this thesis, through in-depth study of the commercial and residential district on the outskirts of Beijing, put forward some constructive solutions that can be home to a truly "green living environment.”

    Keywords: Commercial and residential district , property management , development, strategy

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景 1

    1.2 研究现状 1

    1.3 研究思路和主要内容 3

    2 商住小区物业管理的相关概念分析 4

    2.1 商住小区概念分析 4

    2.2 物业管理概念分析 4

    2.3 物业管理的起源 4

    2.4 我国物业的兴起 5

    2.5 我国物业管理发展趋势 6

    3 物业管理存在问题及原因分析 7

    3.1 商住小区物业管理存在问题及原因分析 7

    3.2 顺义五里仓小区物业管理存在问题及原因分析 7

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