


    毕业论文关键词: 步行空间  绿色步行交通  步行交通规划  绿道景观    


    Research and improvement of urban green walking space—Beijing as an example


      In this paper, a new concept of "green walking system", which is a branch of the green traffic system, is studied in this paper, which is based on the green walking system of Beijing, which is a representative research value in the green traffic system. Follow the problem guide to research ideas, for at present Beijing sidewalk space continue to be affected by the extrusion, citizens travel to the deteriorating environment, traffic safety hidden trouble to a series of problems have become increasingly prominent status, related research. This paper mainly studies the pedestrian traffic system to improve the way content is mainly reflected in two aspects: optimization of the Beijing traffic system, respectively from Beijing walking traffic system planning, "green" new management technology deeply, Beijing Green pedestrian traffic, "the implementation of measures provide still.

      The research of this paper is a combination of theoretical research and practical analysis. Clarifies the green pedestrian system and the related concepts, and research area of Beijing CBD, Zhongguancun, very representative of the survey data, gradually Beijing pedestrian traffic systems are the main problems and the reasons of the corresponding analysis. 

    Key words : sidewalk space  green pedestrian traffic  pedestrian traffic planning   green road landscape 

    目  录

    摘 要



    引  言 1

    1 城市步行空间的理论概述 1

    2 北京步行交通体系的现状 2

    2.1现状问题 2

    2.2 症结解析 5

    2.3 步行交通的发展趋势 5

    3 关于绿色步行交通的相关理论研究 6

    3.1在TOD 的发展模式下优化步行空间 6

    3.2 连续步行路径的界面建立 6

    4 国外经验借鉴  以丹佛为例 6

    4.1激发民众的步行活力 7

    4.2 舒适的步行环境 7

    4.3丹佛的借鉴意义 8

    5 北京步行环境的改善措施

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