



    毕业论文关键词:智能公共交通系统  智能调度  交通拥挤


    The  Application of the Advanced Public Transport System in cities of china and the Prospect of Its Future Development- in Xuzhou city as an example


    Traffic is the link of the city.With the continuous development of our country town integration, urban traffic carries the increasing load. Increasing urban traffic problem has become the important factors hindering the development of the city. The public transport system is one of the most important part of the urban traffic system.It is of great significance for alleviating urban traffic congestion phenomenon. In recent years, the construction of the advanced public transport system is becoming more and more popular.It also plays an important role in the improvement of the urban traffic environment.

    In this paper, according to the present of Xuzhou city and the cities puting into use in China, the application of the advanced public transport system (APTS) is analyzed.According to China's current national conditions, this article analyzes the future development trend of the advanced public transport system.

    The paper has 1 picture, 2 tables and 13 references.

    Key Words:advanced public transport system  intelligent scheduling  traffic congestion

    目  录

    摘  要 I

    Abstract II

    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1 绪论 1

    2我国城市化背景下发展智能公共交通系统的必要性 1

    2.1城市公共交通现状 2

    2.2徐州市城市公共交通 2

    3 国内智能公共交通系统的应用现状 4

    3.1公交车辆智能调度系统 4

    3.2公交IC卡系统 5

    3.3公交信息服务系统 6

    3.4城市交通综合信息平台 8

    4 中国城市智能公共交通系统发展的趋势展望 8

    4.1建设完善的智能公交调度系统 8

    4.2公交IC卡系统的拓展 9

    4.3建设人性化、智能化的公共交通信息服务系统 9

    4.4实现规模化的公交区域调度 10

    4.5 重视城市智能公共交通系统的研究 10

    5 结论 10

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12 



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