


    Building community of Sweden——A survey based on the town of Halmstad

    Abstract:This essay aims to study since the decline of town of Halmstad, to rise in the process of how to gather consensus; how to use new pattern to create a modern rationalization community and through field surveys, interviews, literature review and other research methods into a inquiry Halmstad town community work and plastic behind potential factors and community green ecological environment design, residents" life and mental outlook. Halmstad town is a typical characteristics of out of adversity, rising from the ashes of the new community model, the origin of transition on their own initiative to obtain community history, humanities, into the natural environment, participation in neighborhood development issues such as the constant running, perfect, and community residents from the bottom to the top of the shared vision for, create a community with a clear positioning. Thus has the forward plan, the implementation of the steps and eliminate the difficulties of perseverance. At the same time, more benign cycle of community residents gather in the subconscious of consensus and understanding.

    Keywords:  community-building, Agreement and participation , Restidents of consensus

    目  录

    一、  绪论 1

    (一)研究背景 1

    (二)研究意义及目的 1

    (三) 研究内容及创新点 2

    二、哈姆斯塔德社区调研方法归纳 2

    (一)调查研究的理论框架 2

    1、人本主义理论 2

    2、共同体理论 3

    (二)文献综述 3

    1、国外的相关文献 3

    2、国内的相关文献 4

    (三)基本调查研究方法 5

    (四)具体研究过程中资料收集技术 5

    三、哈姆斯塔德社区营造综述 5

    (一) 社区概况: 5

     (二)营造背景及契机 6

    (三)居民自下而上的老镇新生重塑历程 6

    四、 哈姆斯塔德社区成功之道:多角度经验借鉴 8

    (一)从古老的文化与节日开始,重塑小镇社区风貌:凝聚与传承 8

    1、全民参与的经典圣露西亚节 8


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