


    Analyze the demand characteristics of participants in crowdfunding cafe and design reward schemes

    Abstract This paper is based on the cafe as the research object to analyze the demand characteristics of  participants and the factors influencing the participants and design better reward schemes for those participants. However, in China, the crowdfunding is faced with some dilemma. For instance some platforms failed to make ends meet, customer recognition is not high, the project failure rate is high, some project financing leave withe money, etc. This paper firstly analyze the present situation and existing problems, and then through questionnaire research, from different angles analyze demand characteristics of the participants, and make analysis of the influencing factors of participants, according to the analysis results design better return schemes for the investors and customers.

    Key words: crowdfunding; coffee shop; demand characteristics; reward schemes.


    0 引言 5

    1 咖啡馆众筹的概况 6

    1.1 众筹的简介 6

    1.2咖啡馆众筹的发展历程 7

    1.3咖啡馆众筹的现状和问题 7

    1.3.1项目吸引力不够 8

    1.3.2众筹平台的运营不当 8

    1.3.3众筹咖啡馆过程中出现问题 8

    1.3.4众筹参与者的回报方案不完善 8

    2 众筹参与者需求特征 8

    2.1 市场调查方案设计与实施 8

    2.2 数据分析 9

    2.2.1咖啡馆产品与服务 9

    2.2.2促销活动 11

    2.2.3众筹回报方式 11

    2.3 分析众筹参与者需求特征 12

    2.3.1投资者需求特征分析 12

    2.3.2消费者需求特征分析 13

    3 影响众筹参与者的因素 15

    3.1投资环境和条件 15

    3.2投资的回报方案 15

    3.3产品和服务 15

    3.4优惠与活动 16

    4 参与者回报方案设计 16

    4.1设计依据 16

    4.1.1 股东的独特性 16

    4.1.2  消费者的重要性 17

    4.2 给出参与者回报方案设计 17

    4.2.1作为投资者的回报方案 17

    4.2.2 作为消费者的回报方案 18

    结论 19


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