    Research on Tourism Products Pricing Strategies
    ——Taking the Case of the Tourism in Thailand
    Abstract: Along with the rapid development of our national Tourism, now it has become the most dynamic emerging industry in the third industry and a new growth point of national economy. It has been around as a pillar industry and leading industry in the local economic development. However there are still many problems in pricing products, such as the lack of industry standards, wild speculations and so on. Firstly, this article expounds the concept of tourism products, the classification and pricing. Then, it analyzed the present situation of our tourism price management. And the factors affecting the pricing of tourism products and pricing strategy for tourism product pricing model are discussed in this paper. Secondly, in the case of the price strategies of tourism industry in Thailand, it analyzed the pricing factors and pricing strategies of Thailand tourism. Finally, in view of the status quo of tourism product pricing in our country, and combing with the case of Thailand turism putting forward the corresponding policy recommendations: (1) to formulate feasible laws and regulations; (2) under the specific marketing strategies, to formulate a long-term price system; (3) to conduct effective market research and forecasting: (4) to combine pricing strategy and the enterprise brand.
    Keywords: Tourism Products; Pricing Strategy;Pricing Model;Price Systerm
    目  录
    引言    1
    一、相关理论    2
    (一) 旅游产品的概念    2
    1、 概念性定义    2
    2、 技术性定义    2
    (二) 旅游产品分类    2
    (三) 旅游产品定价    3
    二、我国旅游价格管理现状分析    4
    (一)  取得的成效    4
    1、 建立了高效的旅游价格管理体制    4
    2、 形成了较为合理的旅游价格体系    4
    3、 适时推出了景区门票的“一票制”    5
    4、 重点旅游景点的门票价格制定实行听证制    5
    (二) 存在的问题    5
    1、 相关法律法规的缺失    5
    2、 价格体系缺乏完整性和体系性    6
    3、 定价缺乏有效的前期调研    6
    4、 定价策略与企业品牌塑造脱节    7
    三、旅游产品定价模式分析    8
    (一) 旅游产品定价影响因素    8
    1、 产品成本    8
    2、 同行价格    8
    3、 旅游产品的独特性    8
    4、 旅游者承受能力    8
    5、 受众的差异性    8
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