    The practice of group social work services for young   people with disabilities
    Acording to the second orphanage in Shanghai
    Abstract:Persons with disabilities are vulnerable groups in society, care to help people with disabilities has become a symbol of social civilization. Young people with disabilities as a vulnerable group in need of care are more vulnerable. Its inferiority eccentric character and interpersonal issues such as direct impact on their daily lives and personal development. Therefore, to promote the healthy development of young people with disabilities to achieve their full recovery is one of the important tasks of social workers. This paper from the group of adolescents with disabilities social work  
    services at the start, the first analysis of China's young people with disabilities and their social work research status, and then found that groups face major difficulties and reasons for, and relying on group work methods to serve youth with disabilities a series of practical cases activities and the results achieved, the conclusion that methods used in social work team groups of young people with disabilities the effectiveness and necessity of the conclusion. Hopes of a comprehensive rehabilitation for persons with disabilities to carry out practical ways to provide new reference for the government to formulate policies concerning rehabilitation of young people with disabilities to provide practical basis.

    Keywords: group social work;social work;young people with disabilities
    目  录    
           (一)研究背景 1  
           (二)研究目的和意义..    2
             1 研究目的    2
             2 研究意义    3
       二、研究综述    4
            (一) 相关概念    4
            (三) 残疾青少年社会工作的研究现状.5
            (四) 残疾青少年面临的主要困境和问题6
            (五) 社会工作方法在残疾青少年服务中的的选择9
       三、理论基础和研究方法    11
        (一)  理论框架    11
        (二)  研究方法    12
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