摘 要:政府网站是政府机关实现政务信息公开、服务企业和社会,与公众互动交流的重要渠道。近年来我国政府网站建设推进了管理创新,提高了社会管理和公共服务水平,信息公开力度不断加大,政府网站成为了政府和企业、公众互动交流的渠道,公众参与度逐步提高。我国政府网站建设取得了一定的成绩,但也存在问题,比如政府部门观念滞后,对政府网站的重要性认识不足;一部分公务员担心发展政府网站对自身的既得利益构成威胁,并由此产生对政府网站的抵触和消极情绪等。63278
Analysis of the Present Situation and the Existing Problems of the Government Web Construction
Abstract: Government website is an important channel of government organs to realize the openness of government information, service enterprises and the public, interactive communication. In recent years the government website construction to promote management innovation, improve the social management and public service level, information disclosure has intensified, the government website has become the government and enterprises, public interactive communication channels, public participation and gradually improve. The site of the government has made some achievements in the construction, but it exists some problems, such as government departments and public idea lag, lack of knowledge on the government website; a part of civil servants to worry about a threat to their own vested interest the development of government websites, resulting in the government website of resistance and negative emotions etc.
Key Words: government web; current situation; problems;
(一)加强了网站建设,提高了服务水平。“政府网站的基本价值或建设的目标在于实现,以服务对象为中心,整合各种政务信息资源,丰富用户服务渠道,使企业和公众更充分享受电子政务带来的便利。” [1]基于这样的目标,我国一直很重视政府网站的建设,从1996年海南省政府创办首个政府门户网站开始,到2006年中央政府门户网站正式开通,再到如今的不断完善和发展,经过十几年我国政府网站由中央政府门户网站、国务院部门网站、地方各级人民政府及其部门网站组成的我国政府网站体系基本形成,并且我国各级政府网站的建设取得了很大的成绩,已经取得了突破性的进展。