
    摘 要:在泗洪水产品营销中,螃蟹是最具影响力的种类,当前泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹的品质虽已得到行业内公认,但是螃蟹品牌的“短板”却限制了螃蟹产业的进一步成长。泗洪螃蟹产业存在自身的优劣势,同时也面临着外部环境带来的机会和威胁。本文以洪泽湖螃蟹的品牌营销为切入点,结合泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹的品牌营销现状,对泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹品牌营销存在的问题进行分析,并提出统一的品牌战略规划,品牌定位策略、品牌差异化竞争策略、品牌传播策略,并将地域文化与品牌相结合,同时加大品牌保护力度,最终为泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹的品牌营销提供借鉴。63396


    Abstract: Crabs, in Sihong aquatic products, are the most influential marketing products. At present, although the quality of Hongze Lake crabs are widely recognized within the industry, its shortcoming in band has imposed restrictions on its future development. The The crab industry of Sihong has its own advantages and disadvantages. At the same time, it also faces opportunities and threats from external environment. This thesis, taking the band marketing of Sihong crabs as its cut-in point, combing the marketing situation of the brand of Hongze crabs, analyzes problems in brand marketing of Hongze crabs. At the same time, this article puts forward brand strategy planning, brand positioning strategy, brand differentiation competition strategy and brand communication strategy. This article, combing regional culture and brand and intensifying brand protection, also aims to provide reference for brand marketing of Hongze crabs.

    Keywords: Hongze Lake crabs, Brand Marketing, Marketing Strategy

    1  引言 3

    2  泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹的发展状况 3

    2.1  泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹简介 3

    2.2  泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹品牌概述 3

    3  泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹的SWOT分析 4

    3.1  优势分析 4

    3.2  劣势分析 5

    3.3  机会分析 5

    3.4  威胁分析 6

    3.5  SWOT分析结论 6

    4  泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹品牌营销现状 6

    4.1  泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹品牌营销调查问卷 6

    4.2  泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹品牌营销问卷分析 7

    4.3  泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹品牌营销问卷结论 10

    5  泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹品牌营销存在的问题 11

    5.1  品牌战略规划不统一 11

    5.2  品牌定位不明确 11

    5.3  品牌个性不鲜明 11

    5.4  品牌推广模式单一 11

    5.5  品牌与地域文化结合度低 11

    5.6  品牌保护力度不够 12

    6  泗洪洪泽湖螃蟹品牌营销的对策 12

    6.1  实施统一的品牌战略规划 12

    6.2  实施品牌定位策略 12

    6.3  实施品牌差异化竞争策略 12

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