

    毕业论文 关键词  招聘策略  存在问题  解决方法   提高招聘效率

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Study on the recruitment policies of enterprises                     

    Abstract The development of today's society is very rapid, and the competition among enterprises is also increasing. In addition to competition among material things, the competition of human capital became intense. The saying goes that, "gold is easy to buy, but is hard to find". A growing number of enterprises keep their eyes to their core competitiveness-- high quality talents, that is unique to the enterprise, others cannot mimic and copy,, and contains endless creativity . How to recruit the right people quickly and efficiently while reducing recruitment costs as much as possible, became one of the issues which raised enterprise’ concerns  particularly. But the recruitment strategies which companies are using now, have a lot of shortcomings. This article is from the perspective of improving recruitment strategies, trying to analyze the recruitment features in various stages of their development, and then want to find problems in the recruitment policy, and propose appropriate solutions in order to improve efficiency and better achieve recruitment goals, then enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the last.

    Keywords   Recruitment strategies   Existing problems   Solutions   Improve recruiting efficiency

    1  引言 5

    1.1  研究背景及意义 5

    1.2  文献综述 5

    1.2.1  现有人才招聘策略的不足 6

    1.2.2  改进现有人才招聘策略的建议 7

    1.3  研究思路及方法 8

    1.3.1  研究思路 8

    1.3.2  研究方法 8

    2  企业常用的招聘策略 9

    2.1  招聘人员策略 9

    2.2  招聘时间策略 9

    2.3  招聘地点策略 10

    2.4  招聘渠道选择策略 10

    2.4.1  内部招聘渠道 11

    2.4.2  外部招聘渠道及其优缺点比较 11

    3  企业不同发展阶段下的招聘策略 12

    3.1  企业不同发展阶段的特征 12

    3.2  创业期企业的招聘策略 14

    3.3 成长期企业的招聘策略

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