

    关键词  职场边缘化  中国文化情境  职场边缘化量表    

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   Study on Measurement of Workplace  Marginalization and Management Countermeasures                     

    Abstract Workplace marginalization is a kind of inpidual consciousness which is created based on the mutual effects of the members in an organized system.It is filled up with subjectivity so that does harm to both of the physical and mental health of the staffs and thus bring down the work satisfaction,organizational commitment,work performance,also has become the one of the main obstacle in the construction of organizational harmony.At present,the number of studies on workplace marginalization is still very small at home or abroad.Although Ferris has developed the workplace ostracism scale,the applicability of this scale in Chinese cultural environment still remain in doubt.Taking this into consideration,adopting Document Analysis Method,Questionnaire Method and Interviewing Method,then coming up with a scale of workplace marginalization that is suitable for Chinese cultural environment.By adopting factor analysis through SPSS19.0 to verify the scale.In the end,according to the results,the thesis put forward a list of suggestions on management from before the events,during the events,after that,personal and the two sides,in order to provide some assist to the enterprise.

    keywords  Workplace marginalization    Chinese Cultural Environment  Workplace marginalization scale


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景和意义 1

    1.2  问题的提出 2

    2  研究的准备 2

    2.1  职场边缘化概念的界定 3

    2.2  职场边缘化行为的分类 3

    2.3  相关中介变量 5

    2.4  职场边缘化的影响因素 6

    3  职场边缘化量表的制定 8

    3.1  问卷项目的搜集 8

    3.2  问卷编制及回收 8

    3.3  量表的最终制定 9

    4  管理对策上的建议 13

    4.1  事前控制,将边缘化掐断在萌芽中 13

    4.2  过程引导,及时减少边缘化带来的不良影响 14

    4.3  事后评估,总结积累有利的经验 15

    4.4  员工个人的应对

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