




    关键词:群体决策  交互式  权重  决策矩阵  满意度

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Satisfaction based heterogeneous group of interactive decision theory 

    Abstract Group decision-making is an effective means to handle a variety of major problems such as policy decisions and allocation problems in real society. To solve some large and complicated decision problems, group decision-making can produce much more alternatives to get more reliable results and to achieve higher performance of group decision-making. .Due to the persity of members in the decision knowledge structure, however experience and demand and the openness of the system, the decision-making process will inevitably produce conflict. Therefore, the processes to solve the conflict effectively need to communicate between members, to gradually modify their decision making judgment through many opinions interaction, learning and feedback and to realize group consensus.

    In this paper for satisfaction interactive group decision making has been studied. The paper first reviews the research status of interactive group decision and introduces the framework of the paper and writing ideas. The second chapter for interactive decision-making and an overview of the theory. The third chapter studies the decision matrix and the attribute weights aggregation method and group information aggregation method. The fourth chapter studies the group information gathering conditions respectively inpidual opinions and views of the consistency of the group, and puts forward the interactive group decision making method. The fifth chapter studies the summary and outlook, which summarizes the paper's conclusion and prospects the future area.

    The main contribution of the paper is depicted as followings: Satisfaction of the original based on the satisfaction index to re-define; Design an interactive approach, the relevant decisions play a heterogeneous group contribution, the paper establishes the interactive group decision-making model, designs the algorithm, and gives the specific interactive steps.

    Keywords:  Group Decision-making   Interactive  Weight   Judgment Matrix Satisfaction

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景与意义 1

    1.2  文献综述 1

    1.3  论文研究框架与思路 5

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