

    关键字  新员工  工作适应  就业能力  组织社会化

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title The effect of Employability and Organizational

    Socialization  on  Newcomer Adjustment         

    Abstract The newcomers are the new power of an organization,newcomer adjustment following organizational entry consists of resolution of role demands,understanding job tasks to perform and accepted by peers. The extent to adjustment may have a direct effect on job performance,job attitude and job behavior. Inpidual and organization can work on adjustment. Therefor, we based on a questionnaire survey of 202 newcomers across the country,to find how employability and organizational socialization have effect on newcomer adjustment. The results of regression analysis indicated employability and the organizational socialization had positive(or negative) effect on  dimensions of adjustment(role conflict, role ambiguity , task mastery and social integration).For this reason,employability and Organizational socialization are the important predictive variables of newcomer adjustment.

    Keywords  Newcomer Adjustment, Employability, Organizational Socialization  

    目  次

    1  引言 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2研究意义 2

    1.3研究手段和技术路线 2

    文献综述与研究假设 3

    2.1基本概念和原理 3

    2.1.1新员工 3

    2.1.2工作适应 3

    2.1.3就业能力 4

    2.1.4组织社会化 5

    2.2 概念关系和假设 6

    2.2.1就业能力对新员工工作适应的影响 6

    2.2.2组织社会化对新员工工作适应的影响 7

    3  研究程序 8

    3.1调查对象 8

    3.2测量工具 9

    3.3测量程序 10

    4  研究结果与分析 11

    4.1描述性统计和相关性分析 11

    4.2多重层次回归分析 13

    5  结论与讨论 17

    5.1 就业能力、社会化水平对工作适应的影响 17

    5.2 就业能力、社会化水平各子维度对工作适应的影响 17

    6 局限和展望 19

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