
    摘要随着政治经济体制改革的不断深入,公共服务社会化已成为当前政府实现职能转变,完成“小政府,大社会”结构设想的必然趋势。改革的浪潮中,各种非营利组织得以蓬勃发展,公益创投便是政府为推动社会组织发展政策创新的产物,在一定程度上对社会的转型和发展起到了积极的推动作用。本文运用文献法、实证分析法,阐述了公益创投与社会组织的相关概念与理论基础,以昆山市为例,分析社会组织培育的环境,归纳制约其发展的问题。通过对国内外公益创投体制的比较和国外公益创投实践的分析,吸取国外社会组织发展的先进经验,结合现存的问题和时代发展的需要,探讨在实践中如何来进一步完善和创新,从而实现优化公益创投对社会组织培育的作用等问题。   64019    

    关键词  公益创投   社会组织  培育机制

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   A study on Venture Philanthropy's function on   social organization fostering---Kunshan City as an example 

    Abstract With the deepening of the political and economic system reform, the socialization of public service has become an inexorable trend of realize government function transformation and achieve the structure notion of "small government, big society". In the tide of reform, all kinds of nonprofit organization develop flourishing,the venture philanthropy is the creation of the government's policy innovation for promoting the development of social organizations, make a positive role of promoting society development and transformation to a certain extent. This paper use literature method and the empirical analysis method. Kunshan is taken for example in this article, this paper describes the NGO cultivation environment, surrounding difficulties. By comparing domestic and foreign  public venture capital system and analysis the practice of foreign venture philanthropy, absorbing advanced experience of the development of foreign social organizations, according to the existing problems and the need of social development, explores how to further improve and innovate to make it be optimization for fostering of social organization in practice, etc.

    Keywords  Venture Philanthropy  NGO  cultivate mechanism

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究意义 2                                              

    1.2.1  理论意义 2

    1.2.2  现实意义 2

    1.3  文献综述 2

    1.4  研究思路与研究方法 3

    1.4.1  研究思路 3

    1.4.2  研究方法 4

    2  相关概念及理论基础 4

    2.1  概念阐述 4

    2.1.1  公益创投的概念 4

    2.1.2  社会组织的概念 5

    2.2    公益创投理论的发展进程 6

    2.3  社会组织的相关理论 6

    2.3.1  公民社会理论—思想渊源 6

    2.3.2  治理理论—角色定位 7

    2.3.3  新公共服务理论—逻辑要求

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