




    ABSTRACT  As a low threshold,fast and efficient online interaction platform,the Internet has changed the status of public welfare activities sponsored by the enterprise.In the age of new media,the core competence of communication is no   longer   "content   is   king",but the communication channel competition.Including such activities as "Smile challenge""Red envelopes of public""Reading for blind people"is becoming more and more.The diffusion of public information by WeChat have become more clear and effect of showing social platform specific mode of transmission.

        Using the feature of WeChat media platform,this paper expounds the public communication mode from the angle of basic configuration.It enriches the theory of traditional public communication.Through the current research situation  of  new  media  public  communication,we  realize  propagation characteristics of new media directly influence the effect of communication in the public interest,and the loss of function brings the negative influence to the public communication.Combined with the development of WeChat public,the paper discusses the problems of WeChat,which has problems because of their limitations.The research pided into separate components。

    KEY WORDS: WeChat public communication,precise communication public appeal,communication mode


    第一章、绪论 5

    1.1、问题的提出 5

    1.2、研究意义 5

    1.3、研究现状 6

    1.4、研究内容 7

    1.5、研究方法 7

    第二章、移动互联网时代下微信公益的发展现状 8

    2.1、微信公益传播的发展动因 8

    2.2、微信传播与公益传播的契合点 8

    2.3、公益基于微信传播的优势体现 9

    第三章、微信公益传播的形成机制 11

    3.1、基于微信平台的公益主体 11

    3.2微信公益传播的相关内容 12

    第四章、借助公共平台进行精准传播 13

    4.1、精准营销精 13

    4.2、建立“微网站”进行多媒体传播 13

    4.3、通过微信群进行“红包”传播 13

    4.4、基于微支付进行公益众筹传播 14


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