
    摘要行政辖区边缘地带治理问题一直是当前政府治理困境之处,政府在行政辖区边缘地带涉及到跨区域性、非正式制度性以及利益主体的多元化等分散式治理问题上存在治理失灵的局面。这些特性问题决定着政府在治理行政辖区边缘时不可能象政府采用一元治理模式来治理行政辖区核心地带一样,利用行政手段、法律手段对被治理主体实行强有力监管。因此,政府有必要根据多个利益主体存在的现实情况决定治理模式,借鉴西方国家政府治理经验,针对我国行政辖区边缘间政府、非政府利益群体等相关多元利益主体的零和博弈所造成的边缘治理失灵的现状,尝试性构建行政辖区边缘的整体性多元利益主体合作治理模式。 64020

    毕业论文关键词  行政辖区;整体性治理;边缘地带治理

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    On the Periphery Governance of Administrative District —— Based on the District of B in Nanjing  


    The periphery of administrative district’s governance issues have had been troubled the government in current situation, the government have involved in decentralize governance problems such as overlapped districts, non-constitutism, pluralism stakeholders and so on, on the periphery of administrative district are falling, this special issues which made the government take another governance models instead of single one as administration, laws,and economic measures used by management core areas in administrative district to keep strong government, to deal with this problems on the periphery of administrative district. Therefore, it is necessary for the government are determined to apply to goverance models according to current situation of pluralism stakeholders, taking the experience of the western countries as an example as well as aiming at the situation of inefficiency even absence of administration while zreo-sum game taking place among the government, non-governmental organization and other pluralism stake holders in the periphery of local administration district in our country, this thesis attempts to build a model of cooperation administration among the whole pluralism stakeholders in the border. 

    Keywords    administrative district; holistic governance; the periphery of district of governonce

     1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题背景 1

    1.1.1  研究背景 1

    1.1.2  研究意义 3

    1.1.3  区域选取的代表性 4

    1.2  研究方法与内容 5

    1.2.1  研究内容 5

    1.2.2  研究方法 5

    2  行政辖区边缘地带治理中政府角色的历史演进 6

    2.1  核心概念的界定 6

    2.1.1  治理及其特征 6

    2.1.2  行政辖区及其行政 7

    2.1.3  行政辖区边缘的界定 7

    2.2  相关治理理论概述 8

    2.2.1  集体选择理论 8

    2.2.2  行动博弈论 9

    2.2.3  整体性治理理论 9

    2.3  行政辖区边缘地带治理的传统逻辑 12

    2.3.1  行政辖区边缘地带治理的传统内涵

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