


    毕业论文关键词  公共服务  均等化  主观幸福感

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  The lack of the equalization of public services from the Perspective of National Happiness  

    Abstract The pursuit of happiness of the people, should be the main theme of national development, the eternal theme of the work of the government.With the sustained and rapid economic development and people's living standards improved significantly,our national happiness has been dramatically improved.However, with the acceleration of the transformation of social structure,uncoordinated economic development and social development,and uneven regional, urban and rural development,public services increasingly prominent contradiction between supply and demand.Missing momentum of the equalization of basic public services is expanding.Government as the main allocation of resources,its basic functions should be roughly equal public services.But, the equalization of missing due to the relative instability, insecurity, sense of injustice drags upward trend of happiness strongly.

       This article is based on the perspective of the equalization of public services.Firstly, understand the theoretical concepts of public service equalization, subjective well-being.Secondly, analyze China's current equalization of public services the missing status and reasons.Then on the basis the questionnaire in different populations ,Study the relationship that exists between public service and subjective well-being.Finally on the basis study made recommendations on perfection the Public Service.Expect that provide assistance for equalization of public services and enhance sense national well-being to create harmonious society.

    Keywords  Public services  Equalization  Subjective Well-bing   

     1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究的背景及意义 1

    1.2  文献综述 2

    1.2.1  国内研究现状 3

    1.2.2  国外研究现状 3

    1.3  研究的思路与方法 3

    1.3.1  研究思路 4

    1.3.2  研究方法 4

    1.4  研究的创新点 5

    2  相关理论及概念 5

    2.1  公共服务相关理论和概念 5

    2.1.1  公共产品与公共服务 5

    2.1.2  公共服务与基本公共服务

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