
    摘  要:天目湖白茶越来越成为常州地区经济、政治、文化不可或缺的一部分,对人们的生活调剂着巨大的作用。通过对溧阳白茶背景描述,运用市场调查的方式,分析现阶段天目湖白茶的经营模式和生存状态,找出天目湖白茶营销存在的问题,同时运用4P理论解决营销问题,以提高天目湖白茶的市场竞争力,增强天目湖白茶的知名度的同时又有利于促进天目湖旅游的发展,最终提高当地人民生活水平。本文通过调查研究,挖掘其中存在的问题,找出相应对策,对于天目湖白茶的研究具有一定的现实意义。67050


    Abstract:Tianmu Lake white tea has increasingly become an indispensable part of the economy, politics and culture in Changzhou area ,which has the great effect on people's life. Through the 

    description of the background of Liyang white tea,we can make an assay of its present business model and management forms by using market research and find out some problems when it 

    comes to marketing.At the same time, we use the 4P theory to solve the marketing problems in 

    order to improve the market competitiveness and the popularity of Tianmu Lake white tea, which is beneficial to the development of the tourism industry in Liyang and makes for improving the 

    living standards of local people ultimately. This paper, which finds out some existing problems 

    and then sort solutions out through the investigation and study, has certain practical significance 

    for the research of Tianmu Lake white tea.

    Keywords: white tea,marketing strategy,analysis

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    2  天目湖白茶概述 3

    3  天目湖白茶行业经营概况 4

    3.1  经营模式分析 4

    3.2  经营现状分析 5

    4  天目湖白茶营销存在的问题 6

    4.1  白茶产品粗放式 6

    4.2  白茶价格畸形成长 7

    4.3  白茶渠道紧缩狭窄 7

    4.4  白茶促销不合理 7

    5  天目湖白茶的营销策略 8

    5.1  产品策略 8

    5.2  价格策略 8

    5.3  渠道策略 9

    5.4  促销策略 9

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    1  引言


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