

    毕业论文关键词:城市新移民  越轨   系统   环境    自我认同

    Title  The relationship between immigration status  and  teenagers’ deviant behavior                                                  


    With the development of the new century and the accelerated pace of life, people have suffered more and more social pressure and have to adapt to the new environment. At the same time, the flow of families across the regions has been more complicated and frequent. As the byproduct of such phenomenon, a series of teenagers’ deviant behavior problem arouses large number of potential social problems which attract more and more social scientific researchers to study with. The teenager, a member of such family, being influenced by many aspects, like the different comparison between social status, school environment and community, has suffered more confusion during different flowing periods. There is no doubt that more and more deviant behavior will happen owing to the disruption of their psychological adaption and self-identification. Based on the detailed relevant research on the ecological theory and deviant theory, this paper analyzes a process of the deviant behavior of the teenager in such family. As a conclusion, we think, with the reconstruction of social status, and the relationship between schoolyard, community and family, her self-identification is always in a constant process which in turn, directly leads to her deviant behavior because of the fracture between her social objective aims and legal means. As a social worker, how to pilot such teenagers to take advantages of themselves and be positive when they confront new environment, should be put on to agenda. It is of great significance to decrease the crime rate from the source, under the background that immigration has brought new crisis to the youth crime.

    Keywords: urban new immigrants deviance system environment   self-identification


    引言 1

    文献综述(课题背景) 2

    1.1移民青少年二代的越轨现状研究 2

    1.2越轨理论视野下的分析 3

    1.3系统功能zhuyi视角下的分析 3

    2  研究方法 4

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