


    毕业论文关键词:加油站选址  空间布局  空间分析  评价  优化

    Application Research on spatial distribution of gas station in Xuzhou City based on GIS 

    -- Taking Jiawang District of Xuzhou City as an example


    In recent years, China's economy has maintained a rising momentum, people's living standards are better than before, the car will have a bright market. According to statistics, at the end of 2015, the number of motor vehicles in our country is up to over 279,000,000 and the number of cars is 172,000,000. With the popularity of fuel as the driving power of transport, the layout of the gas station site has become a point. Reasonable layout can not only convenient for daily life and for gas stations can have profit maximization and high market competitiveness; poor location is not only a waste of resources and space, but also occupy the space of city development and impact on the city's future development. The location of gas stations is good or bad, for a point of view, reflects the image of the city, the relationship between the city's future planning and other aspects. Gas station layout is novel and attractive, it is a driving force to stimulate the economy. Combined with domestic and foreign gas station research theory and the achievement, through the Jiawang District of Xuzhou City refueling station distribution status of research, find out station layout problems of Jiawang District, and solve the problems, to make the refueling station layout more reasonable to be discussed.

    Key Words: Gas station Location  Spatial Distribution  Spatial Analysis  Evaluate  Optimization

    目  录






    1 前言 1

    1.1选题背景及研究意义 1

    1.2研究现状及成果 2

    1.3我国加油站布局存在的问题 3

    2城市加油站空间布局概述 4

    2.1加油站布局理论与原则 4

    2.2加油站空间布局分析方法 5

    3徐州市加油站空间布局研究 7

    3.1简介--以贾汪区为例 7

    3.2地理数据准备 7

    3.3分析 12

    3.4优化方案 14

    4总结 18

    参考文献 19


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