


    The Development Dilemma of Small Folk Support Organizations and Its Countermeasures: Take“DA SHAN XIAO AI” volunteer education association as an example

    Abstract: In recent years, in order to improve the educational situation in poor areas, more and more support organizations emerged. Most of which is set up by the people spontaneously, but the development of these small folk support organizations is not optimistic about the status. In this paper, small folk support organization“DA SHAN XIAO AI”as the main research, the organization's head and support teachers as the object of study. Through the form of unstructured interviews, understand the“DA SHAN XIAO AI”the status of the organization, and analyzes the development dilemma of small folk support organizations, so as to further explore the small civil support organizations out of the dilemma of coping strategies. Through the study, it is found that the small civil support organizations generally face the four major development dilemmas of capital problem, organizational internal management problem, legitimacy problem and social influence. The lack of financial support for small-scale civil education organizations, the internal management of the organization chaos, difficult to obtain legal status and social impact of these problems make the development of the organization is limited. Therefore, in view of these dilemmas, we can help small-scale civil education organizations break through the development bottleneck by establishing effective cooperation mechanism, perfecting the organization's own construction, speeding up the process of legalization of organization and broadening the channels of organization communication, and further development of mature organizations, so that small private education organizations can really help in the cause of poverty alleviation and education.

    Key words: Civil Support; Support Organization;“DA SHAN XIAO AI” volunteer education association

    目 录

    一、绪论 1

    (一) 研究缘起 1

    (二) 文献综述 1

    (三) 核心概念的界定 2

    (四) 研究方案 3

    二、“大山小爱”的组织现状 3

    (一) 支教组织的成立 3

    (二) 支教模式和理念 4

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