


    The Development and Solution of Ecological Tourism in Rudong Yangkougang

    Abstract With the increase of the income and  improvement of people's living standard, material level relatively abundant, tourism is increasingly booming. Opening policy and rapid development of economy in these years for the development of the ecological tourism in China,it provides a good condition. Some advantageous geographical location place, unique conditions and human determines conditions ,its must be necessarily sustainable development roads. This article mainly told us the New York Port of ecological development of tourism present situation, and necessity of developed ecological tourism, and the concretely introduces the general situations of ecological resources such as the Oriental port mouth, and the ecological tourism for present situation, and in the view of the problems to put forward some developed countermeasures, how to go on the port in  path of sustainable development of ecological of  tourism has made the research.

    Key Words: Rudong;  Yangkougang;  Ecological tourism;  Actuality


    摘要---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1


    目录  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ⅲ

    一、引言----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1

    二、洋口港生态旅游发展的现状----------------------------------------------------- 1


    (二)洋口港生态旅游资源分布现状----------------------------------------------- 2


    三、洋口港生态旅游发展过程中存在的问题-------------------------------------- 3







    (一)优化服务质量,加强行业监督------------------------------------------------ 5




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