


    Research on E - commerce Logistics Distribution Model Based on "Cloud Storage"

    Abstract: With the development of information technology and e-commerce, the increase of order quantity and the importance of warehousing and logistics are becoming more and more important. Because of massive orders, so the existing logistics mode will appear under the wrong goods even in the goods warehouse explosion phenomenon. This reflects the current logistics and warehousing model also has its own inherent "short board", resulting from the "cloud warehouse storage" e-commerce logistics distribution model. The model takes "cloud warehouse" as the form of expression and focuses on solving the problems existing in the current circulation of commodities. Based on this background, this paper discusses the concept of cloud storage and the logistics distribution model based on this, and the implementation of logistics distribution system based on cloud storage. At the end of this paper, we discuss and analyze the Jingdong mall which has been successfully from the cloud warehouse logistics distribution mode, and put forward relevant suggestions.

    Keywords:Cloud storage; e - commerce logistics; distribution model; logistics model


    一、绪论 1

    (一)课题研究的目的与意义 1

    (二)课题研究的现状与发展趋势 2

    1、研究现状 2

    2、发展趋势 2

    二、电子商务物流和仓储的概念 3

    (一)电子商务物流和仓储的概念及特点 3

    1、电子商务物流的概念 3

    2、电子商务物流的特点 3

    3、在电子商务物流背景下实体物流的变化 3

    4、仓储的概念 4

    (二)电子商务物流与仓储的联系 4

    三、现有电商物流仓储模式简介 5

    (一)电商物流形式的分类 5

    1、自建仓储物流 5

    2、外包仓储物流 6

    3、混合模式 6

    (二)现阶段仓储业及物流业所存在的问题 7

    四、云仓储物流模式的分析 8

    (一)云仓储及其配送模式 8

         1、云仓储的概念 8

        2、云仓储的配送模式 9


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