


    关键词  AdaBoost  嵌入式系统  人脸检测  DSP


    Title  Face Detection for Embedded Systems Based on DSP         


        With the highlight of the necessity of the social public security, the intelligent surveillance is employed more and more in the moving target detection, behavioral analysis, intelligent alert. etc. Therefore, the collection of human faces has become a critical function for public places. Compared with the face detection on the backstage supporter server, that on the camera of the system has advantages such as lower complexity, more flexible application and less communication limitations.Consequently, embedded face detection has favorable scientific value and good application prospects.

        Based on the face detection algorithm of AdaBoost, this paper completed the face detection on DSP6437. Firstly, lots of positive and negative image samples are trained by the computer, which produces the cascade classifier of AdaBoost. Secondly, the read program of the classifier and face detection program are rewritten and transplanted according to the features of DSP. Finally, the hardware including the camera and display screen are connected to realize embedded face detection. 

    Keywords  AdaBoost  Embedded Systems  Face Detection   DSP

    目   次

    1  绪论1

    1.1  人脸检测的背景前提1

    1.2  人脸检测的发展和现状2

    1.3  现有算法3

    1.4  人脸检测中存在的难点4

    1.5  本章小结4

    2  AdaBoost算法5

    2.1  AdaBoost概述5

    2.2  Haar-Like特征6

    2.3  积分图6

    2.4  分类器训练7

    2.5  人脸检测全过程11

    2.6  本章小结12

    3  基于OpenCV的分类器训练13

    3.1  OpenCV简介13

    3.2  训练的样本集14

    3.3  基于OpenCV的分类器的实现17

    3.4  PC端的检测试验22

    3.5  本章小结24

    4  算法的硬件电路设计25

    4.1  完整硬件系统介绍25

    4.2  DSP性能介绍26

    4.3  本章小结27

    5  嵌入式人脸检测系统的实现28

    5.1  系统流程28

    5.2  OpenCV所要移植内容29

    5.3  移植注意事项以及代码的优化35

    5.4  仿真模拟35

    5.5  PC端的检测试验38

    5.6  本章小结41

    结论 42

    致谢 43


    1  绪论

    1.1  人脸检测的背景前提


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