

    关键词  多智能体系统  有限时间一致  切换拓扑  Lyapunov函数


    Title    Finite-time consensus of multi-agent systems     


    As the basis of multi-agent cooperative control, consensus problem has become a hot research topic. Consensus means that some of the agents’ states achieve the same value. Finite-time consensus means that some of the agents’ states achieve the same value within finite time. Finite consensus algorithm is a protocol for making agents reach finite-time consensus according to local information from its neighbors. This paper studies the finite-time consensus of first-order leader-following multi-agent systems and second-order leader-following multi-agent systems both under fixed-topology and switching-topology. Based on the graph theory, matrix theory and homogeneity with dilation, two control protocols of each agent using local information are designed, the control protocol of second-order leader-following multi-agent system is independent of velocity information. Detailed analysis of finite-time consensus of first-order leader-following multi-agent systems and second-order leader-following multi-agent systems are proposed respectively. Finally, numerical examples are provided to illustrate the theoretical results.

    Keywords  multi-agent system  finite-time consensus  switching-topology  Laypunov function

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景  1

    1.2  研究现状  2

    2  预备知识  5

    2.1  图论知识… 5

    2.2  矩阵知识 … 5

    2.3  基础引理 … 6

    2.4  常用记号 … 6

    3  一阶领导-跟随多智能体系统 … 8

    3.1  问题描述… 8

    3.2  固定拓扑下的一阶领导-跟随多智能体系统的有限时间一致 9

    3.3  切换拓扑下的一阶领导-跟随多智能体系统的有限时间一致… 13

    3.4  本章小结… 15

    4  无速度信息的二阶领导-跟随多智能体系统  16

    4.1  问题描述… 16

    4.2  固定拓扑下的二阶领导-跟随多智能体系统的有限时间一致… 16

    4.3  切换拓扑下的一阶领导-跟随多智能体系统的有限时间一致… 23

    4.4  本章小结… 25

    结论  27

    致谢  29


    附录A  一阶多智能体系统固定拓扑仿真程序… 32

    附录B  一阶多智能体系统切换拓扑仿真程序… 33

    附录C  二阶多智能体系统固定拓扑仿真程序… 34

    附录D  二阶多智能体系统切换拓扑仿真程序… 36

    1  引言


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