
    摘 要随着电气工程测控技术市场的不断发展,航模遥控的方式也变的多元化。各 种航模遥控技术中慢慢被加入更多的控制元素,体感控制成为现代先进的控制技 术之一。

    本文在对 STM32F103C8T6 为主控制器,提出建立控制模型,其中主要包括 陀螺仪芯片、微型处理器芯片、和用于无线数据收发的 2.4Ghz 频段射频芯片组 成。

    STM32F103C8T6 这款 32 位芯片功能强大的同时,还能满足本次设计的基 本要求。 由于陀螺仪必须要具有三维自由度均衡陀螺仪, 所以最后选定 MPU-6050 作为本次设计的陀螺仪。在参考陀螺仪的特性和无线传感技术的基础 上,建立了基于 STM32F103C8T6 为主控制器的设计方案。将此作为核心的微型 处理器设计了利用 MPU-6050 作为核心的数据采集电路,并且利用 2.4Ghz 频段 的无线发射芯片组建无线传感系统。最后通过遥控器运动实现对航模的体感控制 控制。69251

    该论文有图 16 幅,表 2 个,参考文献 30 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:体感 STM32F103C8T6 MPU-6050

    The Design of Smatosensory Remote Control of Model Aircraft


    With the continuous development of electrical engineering and its technology market, the manner of aeromodelling remote control became persified.  Various kinds of aeromodelling remote control technology is slowly add more control elements, body feeling control become one of the modern advanced control technology.

    Based on STM32F103C8T6 primarily controller, the proposed control model, which mainly includes the gyroscope chip, microprocessor chip,  and 2.4Ghz frequency for wireless data transceiver rf chip.

    STM32F103C8T6 this powerful 32-bit chip at the same time, also can satisfy the basic requirement of the design. Because of the gyroscope must be balanced  with three dimensional degrees of freedom gyro, so finally selected MPU-6050 as the design of the gyroscope. In reference on the basis of the characteristics of the gyroscope and wireless sensor technology, mainly based on STM32F103C8T6 controller design scheme is established. As the core of the micro processor designed using MPU-6050 as the core of data acquisition circuit, and using the 2.4 Ghz frequency band wireless transmitting chip to form a wireless sensor system. At last, through the remote control movement to realize to control the body feeling control model aircraft.

    Key Words: Somatosensory STM32F103C8T6 MPU-6050

    摘 要 I

    Abstract II


    图清单 IV

    表清单 IV

    1 绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究的背景和意义 1

    1.2  国内外发展现状 2

    1.3 MPU-6050 陀螺仪技术 2

    1.4 2.4Ghz 无线技术 3

    1.5  本论文的结构安排 3

    2 系统总体结构与芯片选型 4

    2.1  陀螺仪芯片的选型 4

    2.2  无线通讯模块的选型 5

    2.3  本章小结 8

    3 系统硬件设计

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