


    毕业论文关键词:B20温度传感器  C52单片机  FIR  智能控制

    Intelligent Fan Based on  Human Body Induction


    This intelligent fan system is based on the human body induction. It can test the temperature sensitively and display on the digital tube. The user can set highest and lowest temperature according to their surrounding environment and their own requirement. When the temperature reaches the range of maximum and minimum temperature, the system will press the button to turn on the weak wind. When the temperature of the surrounding environment is higher than the value set up by the user, the system will jump to the wind file automatically. When the temperature keeps decreasing and the value is smaller than the user defined before, the fan will stop. The temperature sensor is closely related to the temperature of the fan. The upper and lower limits which the user sets up according to their own circumstances will exist in the B20 sensor. The system can still save the last set of limited temperature even if the power can’t supply the fan. It can basically have a stable state and the fan is able to operate accurately.

    There are 14 figures, 2 tables and 15 references in this paper.

    Key Words: B20 temperature sensor   FIR microcontroller   C52 intelligent control


    摘    要 I

    Abstract II



    1 绪论 1

    2 系统概述 3

    2.1设计任务 3

    2.2 主要内容 3

    3 系统硬件设计 4

    3.1 4位共阳数码管 4

    3.2 C52单片机 5

    3.3 18B20温度传感器 6

    3.4 发光二极管 8

    3.5 自锁开关 8

    3.6 三极管 9

    3.7 热释电红外传感器 11

    3.8 菲涅耳透镜 11

    3.9 BISS0001 12

    4 系统软件设计 15

    4.1 系统总体设计 15

    4.2 主程序流程框图 15

    5 调试与结论 17

    5.1调试 17

    5.2 结论

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