

    关键词:灭火装置  发射系统  STM32  自动化


    Title  The Design of measurement and control system    for fire extinguishing device                


    Forest fires have the characteristics of sudden strong, fierce fire, difficult to fight, etc. The measurement and control system of the fire extinguishing device can fire a fire extinguishing shell with a fire extinguishing agent, suppress the fire quickly and efficiently by means of long-range artillery, at the same time it can ensure the safety of firefighters. The device is mainly used in long distance forest fire fighting. A high performance, low cost STM32F103 "enhanced" series kernel has been selected as the core processor of the system. The system adopts the LLL video aim, laser ranging, automatically adjust the beam Angle, more barrels launch scheme, compared with the traditional fire extinguishing installation the new system improves the degree of automation, has better extinguishing effect. The field test proves that the system is safe and reliable, and has high popularization value.

    Keywords:fire extinguishing device   launch system   STM32   automation 

     目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.3  本文工作安排 3

    2  测控系统整体设计 4

    2.1  灭火系统的组成及主要功能 4

    2.2  控制系统设计 5

    2.3  发射系统组成 6

    2.4  观瞄与显示系统组成 9

    2.5  本章小结 11

    3  测量控制硬件电路设计 12

    3.1  整体硬件电路设计 12

    3.2  STM32的最小硬件系统设计 12

    3.3  稳压电源 15

    3.4  串口通信电路 16

    3.5  步进电机控制电路 17

    3.6  发射部分电路 17

    3.7  视频部分电路 19

    3.8  拨键/手柄/指示灯电路 19

    3.9  实物展示 20

    3.10  本章小结 21

    4  下位机测控软件设计 22

    4.1  概述 22

    4.2  主程序模块 22

    4.3  传感器数据通信模块

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