


    Research on E - commerce Operation Mode of Fresh Food - Taking 21cake as an Example

    Abstract: With the development of society,E-commerce has become an important part of things in people family, And fresh products is also a big business has become an important business development areas. In recent years,most of the electricity business enterprises began to develop in the field of fresh. But because of some of the characteristics of fresh products itself has been hindering the development of the industry. One of the most critical of the two issues are: 1. Fresh product quality has not yet formed a standardized, origin scattered. 2. Fresh products need a perfect cold chain logistics and distribution system. So in the e-commerce environment, the first in the Chinese national conditions on the basis of how to establish a suitable e-commerce model, the second to improve the logistics and cold chain transport efficiency on the basis of ensuring the quality of new products and safety factor, these two The problem is the need for Chinese fresh enterprises to cross the common. Based on this article will be 21cake, for example, for the fresh food e-commerce business model for an analysis and discussion.

    Keywords: fresh food; e-commerce; business model; 21cake 

    目  录

    一、绪论 1

        (一)研究背景 1

        (二) 国内外研究综述 1

        (三) 研究目的 2

        (四)研究方法 2

    1、文献研究法 2

    2、市场调查法 2

    二、生鲜食品电子商务模式概述 3

       (一)电子商务与生鲜食品电子商务模式的概念 3

    1、电子商务理论 3

    2、生鲜食品电子商务模式 4

       (二) 生鲜食品电子商务模式发展前景 5

       (三) 电子商务模式发展中面临的障碍 5

    三、国内外生鲜食品电子商务模式对比分析 7

    (一) 国外生鲜食品电子商务模式的现状 7

    1、 美国的生鲜电商企业LocalHarvest 7

    2、 美国在线农产品销售平台Farmigo 7

    3、 英国的B2C网上超市Ocado 7

    (二) 我国生鲜食品电子商务模式的现状及发展趋势 8

    1、 我国生鲜电商发展现状

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