    关键词:热电偶 爆炸温度场 PXI仪器,软件编程,LabVIEW
    Title  The test system of explosion temperature field based on the  LabVIEW
    Explosive detonation temperature is refers to the explosive gives off energy explosion heated to the highest temperature of the product. It is not only the important parameters of performance evaluation explosives, but also an important index of the explosive detonation theory and detonation product state equation of heat in the calculation of the chemical .Currently in the field of ammunition destruction, the temperature measurement and research on temperature distribution of explosion field provide the basis for explosives and ammunition on the power of evaluation and analysis, is of great significance.
    In case of the features of the explosion temperature field, after analysis and comparison, using the 0, 1mm-thermocouple tinsel of WRe5-WRe26 as a temperature sensor, and designing the thermocouple cold junction compensation circuit, building the data acquisition system based on PXI. The thesis uses the graphic software LabVIEW to design the software system, and software system chooses the modularized design. The software system has the function of parameter setting、file save、waveform display、static calibration.
    The result shows that the integrated test system of dynamic parameter has satisfied the requirement of practical test;The building of hardware is reasonable and it has high ratio of performance to price. The software system has good man-machine conversation interface, and it meets with the operation custom of the operators.
    Keywords: Thermocouple, Explosion temperature field, software program, PXI instrument, LabVIEW.
     目    次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究的背景及意义    1
    1.2  课题研究国内外发展现状    1
    1.3  本文主要工作    3
    2  爆炸温度场测试系统总体方案    4
    2.1  测试系统的总体构建要求    4
    2.2  爆炸温度场测试系统整体设计框图    5
    3  温度传感器的设计    7
    3.1  热电偶的工作原理    7
    3.2  热电偶的结构设计    7
    3.3  热电偶的冷端补偿    10
    4  数据采集系统的组建    15
    4.1  测试平台选择    15
    4.2  PXI协议简介    16
    4.3  数据采集卡的选择    16
    4.4  PXI总线控制器的选择    17
    4.5  放大器的选择    17
    5  爆炸温度场测试系统软件设计    19
    5.1  概述    19
    5.2  LabVIEW的软件简介    19
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